If you are of the view that your rights have been infringed through the unlawful use of this website by registrants or third parties, you may address a complaint which satisfies the following requirements and/or contains the following information:
the full names and address of the complainant;
the written or electronic signature of the complainant;
identification of the right that has allegedly been infringed;
identification of the material or activity that is claimed to be the subject of unlawful activity;
the remedial action required to be taken by the service provider in respect of the complaint;
telephonic and electronic contact details, if any, of the complainant;
a statement that the complainant is acting in good faith;
a statement by the complainant that the information in the take-down notification is to his or her knowledge true and correct.
iCommons will investigate the complaint on receipt of a complete and properly formulated complaint notice and will take appropriate action where necessary. Such action may include, but is not limited to, removing the offending content from the website and/or suspension or termination of the offending registrant or third party.
Complaints must be directed to iCommons' General Counsel at the following:
Email: |
Physical address: |
Offices at the Grace Rosebank, Johannesburg South Africa |
Postal address: |
Saxonworld Johannesburg, 2132 South Africa |
Fax: |